These terms set out the basis on which you can purchase tickets for your visit to the Guinness Storehouse. The management reserves the right at all times to refuse admission.

By purchasing tickets for Guinness Storehouse you acknowledge that you have read and agree to be bound by and subject to the following Terms and Conditions and have read and agree to the use of the information you provide us with.

  1. Requests for rescheduling are at the absolute discretion of the Guinness Storehouse. You can change the date and time of your visit up to 24 hours before your time slot in the My Booking section of the website. If you purchased via our website and need to change within 24 hours of your visit, please email us at info@guinnessstorehouse.com to process your request.
  2. All prices are quoted in Euro. Whilst we reserve the right to increase or decrease our prices at any time before you book, once your booking is confirmed the price of your booking as stated in the confirmation email will not be altered.
  3. Once your tickets have been purchased, the ticket is non-refundable.
  4. We will use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that the Guinness Storehouse and all of its exhibits/displays are open for use by visitors during normal opening hours. However, the Guinness Storehouse reserves the right, in its absolute discretion, whether for safety reasons or otherwise and with or without prior notice to close the Guinness Storehouse or any part of it. In the event of such closure, the Guinness Storehouse will refund any visitor the cost of his or her prepaid ticket. Otherwise, the Guinness Storehouse shall have no liability whatsoever, including no liability for travel expenses or any other out of pocket expenses in respect of closure of part or all of the Guinness Storehouse.
  5. Only food and beverage purchased from the Guinness Storehouse may be consumed in the Guinness Storehouse.
  6. The Guinness Storehouse is suitable for visitors under 18 years of age. Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult aged 18 or above whilst visiting the Guinness Storehouse. Children under the age of 18 are permitted to visit the Guinness Storehouse where alcoholic beverages will be available but they will not be served alcohol and/or allowed to consume alcohol or Guinness 0.0.
  7. It is unlawful to serve alcohol to anyone under 18 years of age. The Guinness Storehouse operates a Challenge 25 policy, which means that any staff member has the right and responsibility to ask for identification should someone look under the age of 25. If valid photographic identification cannot be produced, alcohol service may be refused.
  8. Pets or animals (with the exception of guide dogs and hearing dogs) are expressly prohibited within the Guinness Storehouse.
  9. Where a group booking is made for students, all attendees must be over the age of 18 and Guinness Storehouse has the right to refuse bookings where not all students are aged over 18.


The Guinness Storehouse reserves the right, in its absolute discretion, to refuse entry to or remove from its premises or the vicinity any person who: -

  1. Has been convicted of a criminal offence, which, in the opinion of the Guinness Storehouse is likely to affect the safety or enjoyment of other visitors;
  2. Is behaving in a manner, which, in the opinion of the Guinness Storehouse has, or is likely to affect the safety or enjoyment of other visitors, cause annoyance to other visitors, behaving in such a way as to cause danger or distress to others or damage the property;
  3. Has used threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour or in any way provokes or behaves in a manner which may provoke a breach of the peace;
  4. Is thought to be under the influence of alcohol or other substances;
  5. In addition to the foregoing, where a person has caused damage, he/she must meet any expenses incurred as a result of such behaviour;
  6. All persons entering the Guinness Storehouse must pay for admission. Tickets must be retained at all times and submitted for inspection if required by any employee or agent of the Guinness Storehouse. Any person attempting to gain admission without a valid ticket shall be asked to leave;
  7. Smoking and vaping are strictly prohibited within the Guinness Storehouse;
  8. The Guinness Storehouse reserves the right to prosecute any persons found damaging or defacing any part of the premises.
  9. The Guinness Storehouse values the safety and comfort of our visitors above all. To protect you and the Guinness Storehouse, visitors and their belongings may be subject to a security screening before gaining entry to the Guinness Storehouse. Please review basic information about security screening and prohibited items below. We appreciate your patience and understanding of these procedures. The list below is not exhaustive and is subject to change and amendment at any stage by the Guinness Storehouse.
  10. Do not leave items/bags unattended at any time.
  11. We want all of our visitors to feel comfortable whilst visiting Guinness Storehouse. Clothing that may be deemed offensive to others or regarded as unsafe will not be permitted, and we reserve the right to refuse (or terminate) admission to any visitor who in our reasonable opinion fails to comply.
  12. Visitor warning: There are independent [horse & cart operators] operating outside Guinness Storehouse. These are in no way affiliated to Guinness Storehouse, and visitors use at their own risk and we urge all visitors to exercise caution. Tram, bus and taxi services are all available in the vicinity.

Prohibited Items

  1. All weapons, including: firearms, knives, machetes and flick knives, any items deemed dangerous, any dual-use items that could be dangerous. Pepper spray is considered a fire arm in Ireland and it is therefore illegal to have in your possession.
  2. All such items, if found during a search, will be confiscated and handed over to the Gardaí.
  3. Scissors, sharp instruments and tools are also prohibited and will be confiscated.
  4. Large packages, suitcases, and other large parcels are not permitted.

Personal Data

At the point of booking we will ask you to provide some details about yourself. Any Personal Data you provide for the purposes of your booking will only be used for that purpose and no other. For some of our experiences, we may request other necessary Personal Data. For the Guinness Brewery Tour, we will request the names of all people in your party in order to create name badges for security reasons. As this experience includes lunch, we will also ask you to provide dietary and allergen information on behalf of yourself and your guests. Please ensure you have their permission to provide these details.  

For more information about how we use, store and look after your personal data, please see our Privacy Policy


  1. You consent to your picture and images being taken, processed and used under this programme and you agree to adhere to all directions and instructions of our Staff in the STOUTie programme.
  2. A maximum of three (3) persons can appear on one picture. All participants must be 18 years old or older and we may require proof of age.
  3. All poses must be decent. No offensive or immoral gestures, signs or poses are allowed and participants must remain decently clothed at all times. Please do not request our staff to focus on any part of your anatomy (other than the face) or on any other objects.
  4. Our staff may reject any request to include any possible third party’s intellectual property rights such as focusing on an emblem on your clothing. The decision of our Staff is final for terms (3) and (4).
  5. In place of your face pictures, you can opt to use one (1) stock picture from the Storehouse. Please ask the Staff for the stock pictures available.
  6. Note that we do not store or keep your pictures and your pictures are deleted from the system as soon as practicable.
  7. All pictures in the STOUTie program MUST have been taken and sent for processing by our Staff.
  8. All other general T&Cs of the Guinness Storehouse will also apply.
  9. No refunds are possible.
  10. Our staff reserves the right to refuse to allow participation if they are of the view that any of the T&Cs are or will be breached and refusal is at their complete discretion.


  1. All messages must be suitable. We allow a maximum 30 characters to be engraved per glass. No logos, emblems or other designs are permitted. No offensive, indecent, racially or otherwise provocative, abusive, immoral words or contents are allowed.
  2. Our staff reserve the right to refuse to process any order which contains content which may in our view cause offence, sensitivity or possible distress to others.
  3. We reserve the right to refuse to accept any order which contains brand names, company names or other third party brand names unless you provide adequate evidence to us that you have authorisation to use these or if we believe your order is for commercial use. We may require a written indemnity in these cases.
  4. The decision of Guinness Storehouse is final and binding in all aspects.
  5. Please note that any “online discounts” are only available to engraved glasses purchased on the Guinness Storehouse website.
  6. No refunds are possible unless there is an error with the order. In that case your normal rights apply.
  7. The glasses should be collected on the selected date. Uncollected glasses will be destroyed 30 days after the stated collection date. No refunds are possible in this case.
  8. Your confirmation email may be required at the collection point.
  9. In order to identify your purchase at the point of collection, we will use the surname associated with the booking for the set of glasses.
  10. All other general T&Cs of the Guinness Storehouse will also apply.


From time to time the Guinness Storehouse or other authorised third parties may carry out photography or other recording at the venue and any images or recordings may feature visitors. Visitors consent to the use of such images by the Guinness Storehouse in connection with advertising, promotions or monitoring and acknowledge that the copyright in such images rests with the Guinness Storehouse and/or any authorised third party.

If for some reason you are unhappy with any aspect of your booking or your visit with us, we ask that you contact us, care of The Visitor Experience Manager, the Guinness Storehouse, St. James's Gate, Dublin 8, or alternatively at customer.service@diageo.com.


By purchasing tickets for the Guinness Brewery Experience you acknowledge that you have read and agree to be bound by and subject to the following Terms and Conditions and have read and agree to the use of the information you provide us with. 

  1. Once your ticket has been purchased, the ticket is non-changeable and non-refundable. 
  2. Please arrive at the James’s Gate Entrance at least 15 minutes prior to the start of your allotted tour timeslot. If you are late, we shall assume that you have failed to attend and we reserve the right to continue the tour at the scheduled time in your absence. If you are late or you miss your allotted booking time, it is very unlikely that we will be able to reallocate you or your party to another slot and, for the avoidance of doubt, we are in no circumstances obliged to do so. 
  3. This experience is only open to those visitors aged 18 or over.
  4. Any visitor who is under the influence of alcohol will be refused entry to the Guinness Brewery Experience and no refund will be given.
  5. The route of the Brewery Experience takes visitors around a working production site in an historic building and involves staircases, over the course of three to four hours. Therefore it may be unsuitable for those with limited mobility. Use of wheelchairs, Assistance Dogs and other particular mobility requirements should be flagged before purchasing tickets so that we can ensure we have time to make any adaptions that might be required.
  6. Please wear long sleeves and trousers for your visit as arms and legs are required to be covered for access to some buildings.  Sensible footwear (no heels or open toed shoes) is also required.  You will be required to wear safety clothing issued to you on your arrival. We will not be liable for any damage to or injury resulting from the wearing of inappropriate footwear.
  7. [As this is a working production site, it can get warm in some areas (particularly in the summer months) and there may be vapours and smells related to production. Visitors are welcome to bring bottled water into the Experience. If you feel uncomfortable or unwell at any point during your tour, please tell your guide immediately. This environment may not be suitable for guests with pre-existing health conditions. We will not be liable for illness or injury arising from your visit except where we are negligent.
  8. Please stay with your tour group and follow the instructions of your guide at all times. Do not touch any equipment unless invited to do so by your guide (some of it can be very hot).]
  9. We will use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that all aspects and areas of the Guinness Brewery Experience are available but breaks in production or essential maintenance may restrict access on the day of your visit. If there is substantial disruption to your Guinness Brewery Experience, we will refund you the cost of your ticket.  Otherwise the Guinness Storehouse shall have no liability whatsoever, including no liability for travel expenses or any other out of pocket expenses in respect of closure of part or all of the Guinness Brewery at St. James’s Gate.
  10. Due to the nature of the Guinness Brewery Experience, you will only be permitted to take one single personal item such as a backpack/handbag. There is no storage available for larger items
  11. Photography and videography during the Guinness Brewery Experience is generally permitted but may be restricted at certain times, which will be advised by your host. Any instructions given by your host in this regard must be adhered to.
  12. All prices are quoted in Euro. Whilst we reserve the right to increase or decrease our prices at any time before you book, once your booking is confirmed, the price of your booking as stated in the confirmation email will not be altered.
  13. From time to time the Guinness Storehouse or other authorised third parties may carry out photography or other recording at the venue and any images or recordings may feature visitors. Visitors consent to the use of such images by the Guinness Storehouse in connection with advertising, promotions or monitoring and acknowledge that the copyright in such images rests with the Guinness Storehouse and/or any authorised third party.
  14. As the Guinness Brewery Experience involves a tour of a working brewery, physical access is restricted at certain times. 
  15. Access to the Guinness Storehouse is included with the Guinness Brewery Experience.
  16. Please Note: Food is served as part of the Guinness Brewery Experience. Should you have a food allergy then please advise your host on arrival. 


  1. Guinness Storehouse reserves the right, in its absolute discretion, to refuse entry on to or remove from its premises or the vicinity any person who:-
    • has been convicted of a criminal offence, which, in the opinion of Guinness Storehouse is likely to affect the safety or enjoyment of other visitors;
    • is behaving in a manner, which, in the opinion of Guinness Storehouse has, or is likely to affect the safety or enjoyment of other visitors, cause annoyance to other visitors, behaving in such a way as to cause danger or distress to others or damage the property;
    • has used threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour or in any way provokes or behaves in a manner which may provoke a breach of the peace;
    • is thought to be under the influence of alcohol or other substances.

In addition to the foregoing, where a person has caused damage he/she must meet any expenses incurred as a result of such behaviour.

  1. In accordance with Irish Law (and for health and safety purposes), smoking is strictly prohibited within the Guinness Storehouse and the Guinness Brewery at St. James’s Gate.
  2. Guinness Storehouse reserves the right to prosecute any persons found damaging or defacing any part of the premises.
  3. Guinness Storehouse values the safety and comfort of our visitors above all. For your safety and the safety of others, visitors and their belongings are subject to a security screening before the Guinness Brewery Tour. Please review basic information about security screening and prohibited items below. We appreciate your patience and understanding of these procedures. The list below is not exhaustive and is subject to change and amendment at any stage by the Guinness Storehouse.

Prohibited Items:

  • ALL weapons, including: firearms, knives, machetes and flick knives, any items deemed dangerous, any dual-use items that could be dangerous. Pepper spray is considered a fire arm in Ireland and it is therefore illegal to have in your possession.

All such items, if found during a search, will be confiscated and handed over to the Gardaí.

  • SCISSORS, sharp instruments and tools are also prohibited and will be confiscated.
  • Face masks and/or costumes which are designed to conceal the identity of a person are prohibited.

DO NOT leave items/bags unattended at any time.